Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Preparing cup of tea

Preparing cup of tea

The flow chart illustrates the detailed process of making a cup of tea. It is a very simple procedure if you follow these steps very carefully.

First, fill the kettle with distilled water. Second, switch the kettle on and wait until the water boils. Then, put the tea bags or tea leaves into the teapot. Next, pour the boiling water into the teapot. After that, stir the water until the flavor of the tea mixes with the water and gives the brown color. Then, pour the tea in to the tea cup and add milk with sugar if you like. Finally, stir the tea and drink it with your friends or family and enjoy with the delicious tasty.

As you can see, making a cup of tea is along procedure but, if you follow the above steps, you will prepare a nice tasty cup of tea.

146 words

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